Friday, January 21, 2011

My first post...3 weeks in!

Hi everyone,

After posing the blog question on FB, I decided to start journaling my adventure (that's what I'll call it tonight!).  For those of you who are not acutely aware of the minutia of my life - I just turned 40, have a husband (Brian) of 12 years (going on 13) and 3 boys aged 8, 6 and 4.  I had a fantastic life in Madison NJ...up until 3 weeks ago when we moved to Hong Kong.  Now, just so that we are all clear, I was up for this move, although it was Brian's job that brought us here - my job (I'm in education) barely pays a Starbucks bill!

To give you a bit of background...this is our 4th move in the 12 years we have been married.  We went from RI to VA to KS to NJ and now to HK.  I know there are people who move every year (more power to them!) but I feel like we have done our fair share of reinventing our lives every few years!

When we moved from RI to VA I cried all the way from Newport across the GW bridge!  It's not that I had never left RI, in fact I went to college in Pittsburgh and lived in LA (yes, Los Angeles) for a year when I was single and in my early 20's.  But I did love my life in Newport (you'll soon see a pattern!).  We moved to VA because Brian was headed to get his MBA - since we were going, I went back to school as well and earned a PhD.  We always knew that Charlottesville was a short term stint and had thought we would end up on either coast...until Brian got a job with Sprint (headquartered in KS!).  The easy thing about moving to KS was, 1. The Airport - seriously...the EASIEST airport to fly in and out of!  2.  We had friends from UVA who were moving there as well and 3.  I found out one of my good college friends lived there and we reconnected (shout out to you Lori).  After living in KS for 6 years...and having all 3 of my boys there and finally making good friends (all of our UVA friends moved!), Brian was offered a new job in NYC.  Off we went!  Again, I cried most of the flight from KS to the east coast.

Quite honestly, although I loved the quality of life in KS, moving back to the east coast meant moving closer to family and for me, that was a good thing!  Both of my siblings live in the DC area and my parents live in RI so now it was a quick 4 hour drive (yes, I do leave so early that there is no traffic!) either way to visit. We found a house in Madison - much thanks to my mom who was much wiser than I was while searching for a house (that could be it's own blog!!!).  It's that I look back, those first couple of months in NJ were lonely as well.  Although I could pick up the phone and connect with family and friends in a heartbeat.  In the 3 1/2 years we lived in Madison (and we do plan to return!), we were truly blessed - we have really good friends there!

We had lots of good times and good I write this I am sitting here on a Friday night (everyone else is asleep - Brian has to work tomorrow at 5am!) and am so incredibly lonely.  I know in my "cognitive mind" that this will pass and I will make friends, but at the same time, I find myself asking..."why the *%^#$%% did I agree to this??" I'm too old for this shit!  I had a good life...the kids were happy, I was happy, Brian was happy, why DID we do this??  This would be when one of my friends would say "put the crazy back in the box!"  Ya gotta love that term...we all have our crazy and sometimes we do need to be told to put it AWAY!

Normal self back...okay, I know why we did's a PHENOMENAL opportunity!  I know this!!  But as I sat here last night by myself (Brian had to work late) in the 2 bedroom serviced apt (YES...2 bedrooms for 5 of us!), I found myself watching American Idol and getting really sad.
So I proceeded to have a 4 hour cry fest - thankfully a good friend from Madison Skyped me and talked me down off the ledge (thanks again VH!)  For the record, I've NEVER watched AI but can't believe it's been on the air for 10 years!!  I actually remember the first season b/c my grad students would have a fit if I ran over time on Wednesday nights -they had to get home for AI!  Now I was that sucker!!  It's amazing to me that I can't get the Today show or any other news show but I can get AI!  Anyway - it was from NJ and I got homesick...although again for the record, that girl from Morris Plains gives us a bad rap (put some clothes on!!!)!

Enough of my whining...we've been here for 3 weeks - here's our life update.  My older 2 boys started school and they love it!  I'm a harsh critic of schools but from what I have seen thus far - they are going to get a GREAT education!  I almost burst out in tears when I found out they do Word Study (what do you you think of that VA folks??)!  My youngest also started in a preschool - he has a language delay and sensory integration issues so he was really my concern moving here.  He was in such a great class in Madison (with THE most amazing teacher!) that I am taking one day at a time - he seems to like it and is doing well, but I'm just not sure yet.  It's a really interesting place - seems very formal from an outside perspective but again, he says he likes it and his teachers are very patient so we'll see.

Back to the original point of my blog....

Here are some things I've noticed about HK:
1.  I am at least 6 inches taller than 95% of the population...and let's be honest probably at least 40 lbs as well!
2.  I clearly need something for motion sickness - picture one of the mountains from Lost with so many winding roads up and down and left and right, just looking at it makes you sick!
3. The "Domestic Helper" situation is truly interesting...that's another whole blog!  I PROMISE!!
4.  The cab drivers here are not afraid to die...enough said!
5.  The MTR (Metro, Train, etc) is so clean you could eat off the floor...REALLY!
6.  It is true what people say about Asian service...yesterday a grocery clerk took me to 2 different places to show me something and then went and got me a basket b/c I was carrying 2 boxes of cereal.  LOVE IT!!!
5.  I am currently living in the complex where the "Milkshake Murder" took place - google's quite the read!  We will not be staying here....

These are things I am curious about:
1.  Hong Kongers (someone correct me if I am wrong about that term!) seem to be OBSESSED with chocolate...seriously, in a tiny grocery store, there is an ENTIRE aisle of chocolate!  How about some coffee creamer or some frozen yogurt!!  Enough with the chocolate from 50 different countries!
2.  Holy Shit are people thin...again, enough said!
3.  In such a civilized, hip, trendy place, why the *%&^@^#* don't we have a DVR??  If I need to explain to my 4 year old one more time that this TV doesn't pause....I might start drinking at noon!

Okay - that's enough stream of consciousness for now...more later!   Say it with me...this WILL be GREAT, this WILL be GREAT, this WILL be GREAT, this WILL be GREAT, this WILL be GREAT, this WILL be GREAT, this WILL be GREAT.....


  1. Well. . . based on my own living in Asia experience, I concur with the point that it will be amazing, and it will get less lonely! And I'm sitting here revising syllabi for the spring semester--that's a ledge of its own!

  2. I love your writing! Thanks for taking us on this adventure with you. :) and...this WILL be GREAT! Hang in there!

  3. Sharon you are amazing, this is so interesting and at the same time I understand you so well, I Think you will be fine because you are a great person and you'll make new friends there. I miss you all!!! I will be waiting for your next post!!! Take care!!!
    P.s. can you Skype me my id: valeria8242

  4. this WILL be GREAT Sharon!! Thank you for starting this blog! I am living vicariously through you! I miss you and your energy soo much. You will make friends so quickly there-how can you not?? Keep the humor in life as you always do and you'll be fine!! Love ya.
    Christine Coury

  5. Ha I started laughing out loud when I remembered that class and American Idol--when good old Suzanne would always get on your case to let us out early so she could get home in time to see it! I believe her exact words were..."that Ryan Seacrest is eye candy!" Good times. Keeping you in my prayers! Love you guys! :)

  6. Keep up the posting, Sharon. You could be creating a movie script here! LOVE it!
